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Stellar New Children’s Books

by manz

These are two of my favorite new oversized picture books, both in content and in illustration.

The Blue Hour by Isabelle Simler has the most beautiful etchings you’ll find in a story and is an absolute work of art in every respect. The words are sweet and quiet. The pages and the animals featured are all shades of blue. Pale blue, ocean blue, royal blue, slate blue, and so many more blues you never noticed. It is a treat for the eyes as the animals in the page go throughout their day until the blue hour sets in.

In contrast, Big Dogs, Little Dogs: A Visual Guide to the World’s Dogs by Jim Medway has no story and very little words. What it does have is oodles of illustrations of a variety of dogs! Just about every breed you could think of, from toy dogs to sporting dogs, is included. But the best part is the page with the mixed-breed dogs, which invites the reader to guess what breeds make up each dog. The book is a delight, and features a dandy appendix that lists the breeds with info about them.

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