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Explore how machines work in a new hands-on book for kids!

by eapearce

Explore the mechanics of simple machines with the help of two zoo animals in the awesome new hands-on book How Machines Work: Zoo Break!. Sloth and Sengi have spent their entire lives in their zoo enclosure and even though it’s pretty comfortable, they both long to see more of the world. So, with the help of some simple machines, they decide to break out! The coolest thing about this book is the lift-the-flap and fold-out features, which allow readers to see how machines work and move. Sloth and Sengi make use of wedges, wheels and axles, levers, inclined planes, screws and pulleys to stage their escape, and it’s fun to see their successes… and their failures. This book presents machines in simple, easy-to-understand language, and the fun storyline will pull kids in. Even the cover of this book is interactive, featuring gears that readers can actually turn to see Sloth get dipped into a pond!

For other cool books about machines, check out The Lego Technic Idea Book Simple Machines, National Geographic’s 125 Cool Inventions and The Kids’ Book of Simple Machines: cool projects & activities that make science fun.

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