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Three Warriors and a Demon Sword

by hanxanth

Dive into the world of Takeru~Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil and meet the three Takeru's: Izumo-no-Takeru, the light-hearted swordsman, Kumaso-no-Takeru, the super-strong clutz, and Oguna-no-Takeru, the mysterious and swift assassin.

Through complete coincidence, these three are brought together in the land of Oyashima (basically Japan). Izumo has traveled from the mainland (basically China) and is on a journey to find the legendary Sword of the Forest God, also called the Sword of Susanoh (if you know Japanese mythology, you'll probably recognize that name). He meets up with Kumaso and Oguna and convinces them to travel with him to find the sword. Unfortunately this also leads them right into the middle of a war. The kingdom of Amamikado is at war with the forest-dwelling warrior women of Jagara. The three Takeru's have to walk through the front lines because, lucky for them, the sword is said to be right in the middle of the Jagara's maze-like forest. But it seems that the three Takeru's might be the prophesied heroes of legend and the queen of the Jagara decides to test them. Will they find the legendary sword (and is it really all that great?), or will the Amamikado and it's ruthless tyrant of a leader (who commands a hoard of undead dirt soldiers by the way) stop them?

This is a nice, short series (only 4 volumes) written by Kazuki Nakashima, the scripter for the anime Gurren Lagann. If you know anything about Gurenn Lagann, you know what to expect. If you don't, then prepare yourself for crazy awesome action involving magic swords, bombs, giant axes, giant robots, and those weird dirt soldiers.

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