Myste ry of River Creek, 1 I was lying in bed when I woke up. "Jake, get up its time for school!!' My mom yelled. I got up, brushed my teeth and ate some Lucky Charms. "I hate first days of school" I mumbled. "Don 't be late for the bus!" My dad said. I got onto the bus and sat down in a seat. "Hey kid " I looked over then saw another kid about my age. "Hi lm Jake" I said . "1m Frank" said the kid, He had Peach colored skin and orange hair. He didn't look so macho. Suddenly the bus came to a stop and sounded like SCHREEEEECH! A lot of kids fell forward. I wondered why we stopped than I saw what was outside. A .... . GOAT?!?!?! I was surprised to see a goat. "Its that goat again ..." Frank said . "What goat?" I asked. "Oh I forgot you we re new here! Well some goat has been running in front of our bus" Frank told me. "Oh" I said. The goat ran back to where it was coming from , which was weird because I expected it to stay there . When the bus finally got to the school I was amazed. I mean some schools were big but this was giant. I mean like big . Well maybe I was overstating it but it was big! Frank and I got off the bus together and we talked about why the goat would do that. Then I heard someone say something about a mystery of this school. "What mystery were they talking about?" I asked. 'The janitor says at night he hears footsteps like Clack ..... Ciack . It gives me the jitters" Frank said. We went to class and the teacher introduced me to the class (Her name is Mrs.BaconsWorth which was kinda weird). I took a seat and listened to what she was saying. When the lunch bell rang I went to a table where Frank and a few others were at. "Oh hey Jake" Frank said. "Who's he?" one of the kids asked. "Let me introduce you guys. Jake , this is Jadon . Jadon, this is Jake. Jake , this is Anna. Anna, this is Jake. " He continued to introduce me to more people. Annabelle was a girl. She had brown hair, white skin , and was wearing at-shirt. Jadon , had tanned skin , curly hair, and had a laid back expression. He was wearing a light coat that had the words MIC HIGAN in yellow. They told me about how they had a club and they were trying to figure out what that sound was. The bell rang and we went to gym. We had a teacher named Mrs.Sweat. We had to run 7 laps then played dodgeball. I was a good dodger but not the best thrower. Annabelle dodged them very quickly then threw the balls with very good aim. Jadon was a good thrower and Frank was good at catching the dodge balls. Mystery of River Creek, 2 At the end of the day, we were gonna meet up in the art room. The club split us into teams (There was more people than I expected). My team was Frank, Annabelle, Jadon, me and a guy I met in the lunchroom named Tyrone. We were gonna go to the school at dark. It took a lot of convincing but my parents finally agreed. It was a stakeout and the janitor let us come in but had to supervise us. I hoped he would not tell us boring stories. We came to a stop when we heard a Clack .... Clack. "Whats that?" Anna said. "We have got a lead, follow it!" Tyrone yelled. We ran towards the sound but it was fast, whatever it was. We ran but we could't catch up. "Huff ... Huff" We were very tired so we took a break. "Well this is gonna be hard" I said. "Tell me about it" said Jadon. That night after the search, we were stumped. We followed that noise for hours not seeing anything. Tyrone suggested that the sound heard was a bike . I doubted that cause we would see tire marks from that fast of riding . I said maybe they had that kind of shoes that had wheels. We doubted that too. After school we had a meeting. At the meeting we talked about what could be happening . "Hey I know! " Anna shouted. "What is that idea exactly?" Frank asked. "How about we get people from other schools to make their own club to try to find out what the sound is!" Anna explained. "Hey thats a really good idea but.. ... " I said. "But what?" said Jadon. "Er They might think this whole thing is dumb wont they?" I said in a gloomy voice. "Your so doubtful some times Jake." Tyrone said. "Lets just try it, nothing bad will happen right?" Anna said with a excited voice. "Fine I guess." I agreed doubtfully. It rained hard, we even had to walk through mud! "Why did we have to go today??" Jadon said in a complaining voice. "Stop whining Jadon" Anna said. We finally got to Anna's friends house. (He went to a different school so we were gonna ask him to make a club to support ours.) We knocked and he opened the door. His name was Alex. He invited us in and we told him about the sound and the club and he actually agreed! "Thanks for coming over guys. I will get a lot of people to join!" Alex said. "Well Anna it's nice to know one of your plans didn 't fail for once!" Frank joked . "Shut up ...... " Anna muttered. I went home after that. "Son you 're soaked!" My mom said worried. "Are you ok?! You don't have a fever! " My mom said and felt my head . "I am fine mom" I said annoyed. I walked to my room and turned on the TV, Then I fell asleep instantly. ' áI Mystery of River Creek, 3 The next day, I went really fast. I took a shower in five minutes, unusually. I ate a banana for breakfast. (I hope I don 't get hungry ..... ) Than I got into the bus. I sat next to Anna and Frank. Then the goat! It took 5 minutes just for the goat to move unlike last time when it just left after ten seconds. We got to school finally. We got to Mrs.BaconsWorth 's class just on time. Ugh I hate math so much. Finally when it was over, It felt like five hours to me. Next was Mrs.Sweat, indeed I sweated A LOT! Ten laps?! Aghh! Dodgeball! Owww! Finally after the torture it was time for Mr. Note 's class. Blah blah Music. Finally it was time for the next steak out of the club! The other club came. We were ready! That night we were excited! There were a lot more teams searching! Every single room of the school was covered with at least one person. The janitor looked nervous for some reason I didn't know. We would corner that sound. "THE SOUND IS HERE!!!!!!" yelled Eric. "CAPTURE THAT SOUND!!" Frank yelled. Before I knew it kids were rushing out of rooms following the sound . I did too and ran as fast as I could. Clank ..... Ciank ... "AMBUSH THE SOUND!!" Eric yelled. (He's kinda the leader of the club.) We finally could get close to it then it was weird I heard a bzbzbz sound. "NOW CREATE A WALL OF PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDE OF THE HALLS" Eric yelled . The sound came to a stop. All of the kids jaws drop and so did mine. "NIKO?!!?" Anna yelled . "Er um.." Niko stammered. "It's my fault" the janitor said. "I hired Niko to do my work for me . The sound was my Metal scrubber that got stuck to the Janitor Driver 2000 ...... " "Hey it's ok!" I said. Everyone stared at me. "As long as you didn't mean too .." "He has a good point." Eric said . After that we went home. The next day we told everyone it wasn't big foot or a magical metal horse. The principal forgave the janitor. Everything was back to normal. Well it was fun but I gotta say ....... THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST SCHOOL EVER!!!!!!!!