I’m always here for you Ruby page 1 “Fish for sale! Fish for sale! Large salmon!” Old Pete yells. Friday, going to town, buying things you want. Ma goes with Grace to buy dresses for church. I go buy salmon, pie, chicken, seeds, and newspaper. I go to Pete and buy the cheapest fish. Then I head to Miss Lo’s bakery. I inhale the deep smell of dough and sugar. “What will it be today?” Miss Lo asks. “One large cherry pie,” I answer. She gives me the pie, and a cookie. I stare at her. She winks. I exit the bakery, and head to the market. Chicken and seeds. I grab a newspaper on the way out. Still not five, I decide to wait. Ma’s been acting weird lately. She tells me to buy newspapers and she only keeps one section. Pa left for a job a week ago, and hasn’t returned. I get bored; I pick up the newspaper and read. GENERAL MCSERES DISSAPEARENCE MANY WORRY DEAD. There’s a picture of General Mcseres. Why does he look so-? I stop. PA! Pa’s in danger! I have to save him. I have to go to Pennsylvania. I tear some paper and write a letter to Ma. Dear Ma, I put it on the chicken then run home. I must leave, for Pa’s in danger. Ruby I’m always here for you Page 2 Bahadur I stare into the skies smiling. The first time since papa left to fight. I took out a man. My papa named me a boy name because I was brave and courageous. I close my eyes and fall asleep on the nice smooth grass. The next morning I run to the fields to hunt. I’m the only girl hunter in the tribe; I’ve been hunting since I was six. I crawl through the fields; I suddenly hear footsteps, a deer! I aim and shoot. BAM!! I grab the deer and head home. I give mama the deer. She smiles, and gives me fish. I go to Amisha, standing by the river. She turns around and smiles. I swear she knows when anyone’s coming. Suddenly we hear a bird, I grab my gun, but the bird isn’t near. “ATUL!” Amisha shouts. I sigh, Atul can sound like a bird, skunk, rabbit, one time a fish! Atul comes down laughing, boys. I give them both a fish, but Atul’s laughing hard to even notice, soon we all laugh. “boom!” We turn around, and then stop laughing. A GIRL! Ruby I made it into a tribe, now all I need to do is to hurt someone, and ask them where Pa is. I found three kids laughing by a river, so I shoot them. I miss! They turn around. Two ran behind a tree. The other one points a pistol at me. ”Where is he?” I yell. The girl’s eyes widen. She fires. Everything goes black. I wake up, feeling nausea. Ropes are tied to my hips, and there’s a pistol in my left I’m always here for you Page 3 knee. The girl who shot me is like three feet away. I frown at her. “Hello,” says the girl. I’m pretty shocked. She speaks very well. “Hi?” I say. I’m very confused. She points at herself. “Buhadur,” she says. I stare. What kind of name is that? Maybe she’s lying. Pa always tells me not to trust these people. She must have read my mind. Because the next thing she says is,” it means brave and courageous.” Silence. I sigh, I point at myself and say,” Ruby, a red shiny stone.” I pause. “Where is he,” I whisper. But before she answers, her mother comes in. “Your father has been wounded. Until he heals, you must stay here. You will stay here doing chores with Buhadur,” she says, then leaves. Buhadur I watch as Ruby picks up the wood. She brings it to the medicine man then collapses on to the ground. I like Ruby all lot. But I just hate lying to her. Her father is not here; he left to Virginia a while ago. Ruby will stay here until the war ends or when somebody comes to save her. I wish she could be French. Then I could her friend. But I can’t, nobody can. Mother says I can’t be Ruby’s friend, but I could be kind to her. So I want to teach her how to hunt. “Ruby! Bring your gun!” I yell and tell her to come. As soon as we step foot in the fields, Ruby shoots a rabbit. She winks. I shoot a deer, bear and a raccoon by the end of the day. Ruby shot a rabbit, a bird, and a deer. We had a humongous feast. The people decided if Ruby wanted to stay she could. Ruby said yes. We all laughed and cheered, until we heard something. HORSES! I’m always here for you Page 4 Ruby I stare at Buhadur. She heard what I heard. We were going on attack. Men raced to grab arrows and guns, Buhadur and I threw ours at them. Mothers raced us and the other kids into safety. The only things they said before they left, is to hide me. Hide me? I give a glance at Buhadur. But then she runs out. I chase after her, the other kids try to grab me, but I’m out the door. I see Buhadur, she’s running to a cave. I run into the cave. “Buhadur?”I whisper. I here her weep and sob. But I don’t see her. Then I see her black eyes. “Go home, you don’t belong here. Enjoy your life at home, all be fine,” she whispers. But I stay put.” I said I’m one of you. I’m on your side, so I won’t eave unless you come,” I say. “You were never one of us! You belong somewhere else!” Buhadur yells. I step back. “You don’t have my father, you lied to me but I still wanted to help you, but you just want to make me leave! Well I guess I should!” I scream. Then I run out. Buhadur I watch Ruby run out the cave. She doesn’t understand. Ruby doesn’t no how dangerous this place is. I watch as Ruby’s orange hair run farther and farther. Then I see something. Papa! He hasan arrow and he’s heading right toward Ruby! Papa thinks Ruby’s on the other side, I run to save her, but I’m to late. I see Ruby with an arrow in her back. I start yelling and screaming at Papa. He doesn’t know how important she was. Then I look at Ruby. She was one of us. We just didn’t know it. “Ruby, I’m so sorry,” I cry. Then I here one word from her.” Help,” she whispers. I run to the medicine man. Ruby I’m always here for you Page 5 A man came and helped me. First he took the arrow at. [Made my back hurt more]. Then he took me to his place, and made my back feel much better. Then Pa came in. “All right?” Pa asked. I nod. “Let’s go home.” I shake my head. “You hurt these people who saved me,” I say. Pa looks furious. Then he calms down. “Fine. But you must come to us once a month. Understand?” he asks. I nod. Then he leaves. Then Buhadur comes in. I smile. She nods. “You really are us. Thanks,” she says. I smile. “I’m always here for you.” “Me too,” I reply.